does micro$oft based htc have a future?
Although there’s lots to like about the Touch Diamond, not least its stylish and thoughtful hardware design, and TouchFLO 3D’s good looks, it never quite escapes the fact that Windows Mobile is designed to be used with a stylus.
As much as HTC have attempted to customize Microsoft’s OS to make it finger friendly and more appealing to the consumer market, the resulting compromises suggest that HTC might be better off taking Apple’s all-in-one approach in which the company controls the complete user experience by designing both the hardware and software.
Alternatively, perhaps HTC needs to find a new OS partner (or hope that Windows Mobile 7 finally delivers), as there’s no doubt that they know how to do hardware.
以上節錄自last100.com對於鑽石機的評論,很接近我目前的想法。安慰自己,也許有進步空間才是好事。上面的人似乎開始走回正確的方向,各部門似乎都有一些調整,我認為最重要的調整應該是從弱環Software PM下手。其實以目前的手機來說,不論是硬體或軟體都還有滿大的限制,好的設計應該要懂得如何藏住弱項。購買智慧型手機和購買組裝電腦的想法應該是不同的,後者會計較每一個零件的個別效能,例如記憶體要多大、顯示卡、處理器、硬碟轉速要多快。前者在意的卻是使用者經驗,這就解釋了為甚麼硬體規格較差的iphone能賣得比規格相對強大的鑽石機好。不論iphone或鑽石機,不論apple或WINCE,各方面的限制都存在,懂得藏拙的設計才是好的設計。
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